The King Has A Plan

Having faith comes down to trust. Plain and simple. 

God has said who He is. Do I believe Him? Do I trust Him?

God has made promises. He is not a man that He should lie. Do I believe that? Do I trust that? Do I trust Him?

Growing faith comes down to building trust.

My level of faith in God matches the level of trust I put in God. 

Do I believe He has a plan for me? Do I trust that He has a plan for me?

Can I fully place my trust into something or someone outside of my own hands?

Here lies the issue. Faith requires trust. Trust requires giving up control. To place my life outside of my own hands and into the hands of another. Yikes. 

That’s what it takes to walk in relationship with God. 

We love the idea of God’s protection and providence. Elyon is a name for God that means “highest point”. Shaddai is a name of God that means “all-sufficient One”. If we dwell in a place where God is our highest point, the sovereign pinnacle of our life, it’s only then that He will be the all-sufficient One, supplying everything we need in our life. 

We want the benefits of dwelling, without the surrender of dwelling.

You can’t say He is your King, while spending your life building your own Kingdom. To see the King’s plan in your life, it takes trust and surrender. Trust in Who He says He is, trust in the rich history of Him proving Himself, and surrender to the urge to build your own kingdom when you are really just uncomfortable in the waiting. 

We come to Him as someone in need. Because, by design, we are. Do we wake with the humility that we need daily bread? Do we really live out our day with ultimate dependence on Yahweh? Do we give Him part of our day? Do we a-lot a portion of our day to Him? Or do we wake with the mindset of dwelling in the shelter of Elyon? 

The King has a plan. And it’s a great one. Better than anything I can come up with on my own. 

To see all the elements of the King’s plan unfold, it may mean a reassignment of sovereignty. Am I willing to submit to the entirety of the King’s plan (timetable included)? Am I willing to forsake my own monarchy, to be a loyal subject (in whatever capacity He sees fit) in the greatest Kingdom?

Trusting in God’s plan means a daily surrender to His plan. 

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